cancerchicks christian support group
cancerchicks                             christian support group

              Why We Meet Together

Here are some of the reasons

why the cancerchicks find our

support group valuable:

  • “I need my support group because no matter what my circumstance is, l will always have hope.  I need friends who understand the same fears I have and can lead me, with scripture, to always have hope in a God who is more powerful than cancer.  Without Cancerchicks I could not have seen my sufferings as a blessing.”


  • “I need Cancerchicks so I can open up about what I am feeling as well as help others with how they feel.”


  • “I need my support group because it increases my faith. I need my friends who share my same sufferings and my same faith. Through Cancerchicks we have a common goal to comfort those with the same comfort we have received from God. Cancerchicks is a result of our faith because ‘we know that in all things (even cancer) God works for the good of those who love him,
    who have been called according to his purpose’.”


  • “I need my Cancerchicks support group because these women understand not only the physical & emotional battle of dealing with cancer but also the spiritual battle. I also feel great love & compassion from them.”


  • “I need my Cancerchicks support group because I can't face the specific challenges and struggles associated with cancer without the spiritual support of other Christians. As a seven-year cancer survivor, the mutual support, encouragement, and friendship that we share helps me deal with the long-term effects of having cancer and allows me to offer others some of the comfort and understanding God has given me.”


  • I was completely vulnerable and felt so lost and helpless in dealing with my diagnosis. I needed other women for support, guidance and encouragement. Through the care and communication amongst our ministry staff, I was introduced to my dear friend Michele, herself a cancer survivor. I will always remember the morning I walked into Starbucks and was greeted with bright balloons, an even brighter smile, a big gift basket, and the compassionate tears and comforting embrace uniquely understood by those in “the sisterhood”. She had recently finished chemo and surgery and I could see that her hair was growing back. Most of all, I could see that she had faith in God. It was in that first meeting where our vision for Cancerchicks began. Our deepest conviction was that it would be a Christian support group, focusing on strengthening our faith and reaching out to those who do not know God. We meet once a month and as we meet women struggling through their cancer battles, we share our faith and invite them to join us. Cancerchicks has become a beacon of hope for many. Through our ministry, women have studied the Bible, turned to God and become Christians.

Meeting Schedule

We usually meet on Zoom the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Our next meeting is on August 5, 2024.




for further details and to RSVP.

We look forward to meeting you!

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